To celebrate the first night of fall break, I went to see the highly anticipated Yuvvraaj last night. This movie has been getting a lot of hype since it's the first time that Subhash Ghai and A.R. Rahman have worked together since
Taal. I like Subhash Ghai because of his focus on the diasporic Indian experience- it's really nice to see that story also being explored.
The movie starred Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Anil Kapoor, and Zayed Khan. I had decent expectations going in- I'm not really a huge fan of Salman, but everyone in India seems to love him so I guess I'm just not understanding something.
First of all, Im not totally sure what the main story line of the movie was. Essentially, the movie was about three estranged brothers, but the sub plots and concurrent storylines (ie the love story between Salman and Katrina's character) made the experience of watching the movie feel a little bit schizophrenic. It was all tied together in the end, but the ties weren't all very neat. Like most Ghai films, I felt the ending was rushed.
Second of all, I thought the movie itself was pretty ridiculous. The characters, though battling for money, seem to have no trouble flying between Austria and London 6-7 times over the course of 40 days...all the while buying new cars and what not. The story lines in and of themselves are actually quite touching. The potential for complex characters that we could empathize with were there, but Salman and Zayed's performances were definitely lacking. I will say this, though- Anil Kapoor's performance was simply fantastic. He totally carried the movie in the second half...he's way underrated.
I remember in Yaadein when Ghai tried using special effects in song sequences for the first time- remember
Jub Dil Miley with its weird fantasy sequence in space and the army of Hrithiks? I'm sorry to say that Ghai didn't learn his lesson- within the first five minutes of the movie he brings these wonderful low-budget special effects back- this time, with Salman Khan flying through some fields. Needless to say, the bar dropped pretty quickly for me.
The costumes in the song sequences were pretty outrageous too- some choice ones were: backup dancers pretty much replicating the costumes from Cats, men wearing goucho pants made of feathers, Zayed Khan in knee high boots with brass buttons down the side (no joke)...and there's a lot more.
Also, Salman Khan might be attractive if he played age-appropriate roles. There were WAY too many unbottoned shirts and short shorts in this movie for me.
I really love two of the songs from this movie: Tu Meri Dost Hain (a cute love song...cheesy, but definitely cute) and Manhini Morey. Manhini Morey has influence from Indian and Western classical styles and is a heartwrenching raga. <3>
Unfortunately, Manhini Morey was cut from the movie..that had me seething.
I didn't like any of the other songs. They were clearly filler music and, on the whole, I'm really not impressed with Rahman's attempts and making club music- Shano Shano might be catchy but sounds a little too mello to be a hot club track. Also, I think I might be influenced by the way the songs were picturised...the song sequences were all completely outrageous and not any fun to watch.
Overall, I'll give the movie 3/5 stars- mostly for Anil Kapoor's fantastic acting and for storyline potential. Also, I'm done watching new Salman Khan movies until he puts some freaking pants on.
I'd comment on Katrina's role in the movie, but all she really had to do was stand there and look pretty. Sigh.
Happy Thanksgiving Break!
(random thoughts. in no particular order.)
1.) Grad School/Life Plan stressouts
2.) Becoming a very happy hermit
3.) I love my roommates.
4.) I haven't seen two of my best friends in 4 and 6 months, respectively.
5.) Hanging out with my dad in Chicago.
6.) Feeling empowered. In general.
7.) Nonexistent love life. Newfound passion for academia.
8.) No drama, except for when I hear about other people's stuff.
9.) Diwali on the quad.
10.) MAASU LR. Completely needed. Thank you to everyone I shared this past weekend with- it was unbelievable and absolutely necessary. You all inspire me :)
11.) Research with Professor Rana is one of the most rewarding and challenging things I've ever done and I love it. Who knew you could actually love what you study?
12.) Learning how to say no to people. and/or delegating.
13.) APAC Monthly
14.) Danced on Green Street after Obama was elected.
15.) I really love that I'm keeping in touch with some of the OCA interns.
16.) NaanSense radio/Aparna Kothary are inspiring. I want to do that kind of community organizing some day.
17.) Generally having really amazing mentors and friends. AAS Grad students, you are all inspirational.
18.) GenEd requirements are bullshit. LET ME TAKE MORE CLASSES I ACTUALLY WANT TO WHAT THE HELL.
19.) Having time to cook.
20.) Having a passion for something. In general.
More insightful observations to come later. For now, I need to write a paper.
Okay, okay..I know Diwali was over a week ago, but I finally got around to uploading the pictures of the Quad/Puja. I love Diwali at UIUC- not only is it amazing to be able to celebrate my religion so communally with other people (something I NEVER get to do on campus), but seeing all the little kids and grandparents lighting candles and handing out sweets really helps me deal with not being home for it. The pictures turned out pretty well- I have more on fbook/flickr.
Rajat grabbed some chalk and drew a rangoli. In like, 3 minutes. Grad students are so talented :p
Me and the Son-ster. The shy bahu look is in.
This is for all of the people out there who, for some weird reason, think that it's not Indian culture to be political.
My mom called me at 4pm yesterday, on November 4th, to ask me if I voted. I replied incredulously- the election is all I have been thinking about for, roughly, the past year. Of course I had voted!!
But then, I cautiously asked her if SHE had voted. After all, I rarely talk to my mom about politics, and Indian Americans have one of the lowest rates of civic engagement in the country. I would not have been surprised if she hadn't voted. (Besides, she has a full time job).
My chest literally swelled up with pride when she told me that she had woken up at 6 a.m. to make sure she would have enough time to vote.
An Indian American immigrant woman, born in the mid 1950s into a farming middle class family in India, voting for a black man for President. It takes my breath away.
That, my friends, is the Indian-American Dream.
"Culture, unlike biology, should allow us to seek liberation from from cruel and uncomfortable practices. But instead, culture wraps us in its suffocating embrace."